Crest Annual Update 2025
*****Under Construction*******
The Crest Fire Safe Council (CFSC), in conjunction with the Crest Community Association (CCA), look forward to serving the Crest community in 2025. To ensure that all members of our community stay informed, CFSC/CCA is distriubing a hardcopy newsletter with important information on how to receive Crest related updates and crucial safety notifications (see table below). We encourage all residents to stay connected and engage with our community groups to ensure the safety and vibrancy of our neighborhood. This winfo is also poste below. Also, check out the Welcome Wagon section for additional information at
Sign up for email notifications and emergency calls (usually related to nearby fires) . You can also use this contact form to request to be added the Crest Fire Safe Council Emails.
Reminder: add the Crest emergency phone number to your contacts to avoid calls going to spam. The Crest number is 619-442-7378 (The number of the Crest Community Association. . Do not leave messages on th is number as it is answered by an answering machine. Crest Emergency Call number is 619-442-7378 – Add this to your phone’s contact list
Sign up to receive California Department of Insurance updates
Review instructions to ensure important emails are not going to your Spam/Promotional Folders
Stay up-to-date on local matters by visiting the Subregional Planning Group website for Crest, Dehesa, Harbison Canyon & Granite Hills.
Click on:
Crest Dehesa Granite Hills Harbison Canyon – Home
Stay informed of nearby fires and emergencies
Phone Apps include:
CFSC received a 2025 community grant from Sunrise Powerlink Fire Mitigation Group and is applying for other available grants. For questions contact
Crest residents will be able to::
- participate in 3 chipping and clean-up events (3/22, 6/20, 10/4
- apply for free reflective street address number signs
- apply for street signs for private and county non-maintained roads
CFSC to provide educational workshops and literature to Crest residents to ensure fire resilience in our high fire danger community
Crest residents will receive tips on how to better protect homes from wildfire danger, including information:
- Structural hardening – the use of fire-residtant building materials
- wildfire risk reductiopn- defensible space/vegetation management
- reduction of wildfire susceptibility.
2025 Sunrise Powerlink fire Mitigation Grants are available to Crest residents.
Go to – Grants are available to eligible parcels for up to $2,640 to help offset the cost to increase your home’s defensible space and structural hardening (ember resistant vents, door and window replacement, etc)
Crest Northeast Firewise was approved in 12/24. We will be expanding this program to more Crest residents, but we need your help. Please contact Diana Griffin, Regional Cooordinato at
The pilot is currently comprised of 31 Crest homes. Caliofrnia has enacted ‘Safer from Wildfires” regulations requiring insurance companies to recognize Firewise USA designated communities by providing discounts to property owners
Crest has many community events and activities planned for 2025. Check our 2026 calendar
Check out the crest calendat at
Sign up to become a CCA member – $15 mid-year special January – June
Please mark your calendar for the following planned events. In addition to various community classes at the clubhouse including Yodga, Rock Painting, Crystal Bowl meditation.
More will be added during the year so check out the CCA newsletters and continue to check the CCA calendar for updates
March 8 – New Fire Truck dedication event at Crest School from 10-12 am
March 10 – Subredional Planning meeting at the Crest clubhouse at 6:30
March 15 – Crest CVC Recycling at the Crest Clubhouse from 9-11 am – bring your California CRV (Bottole, Cans and plastic and donated to the Crest Community Assoication. Proceeds support Crest activities
March 20 – CCA meeting 6:00 at the Crest clubhouse – Sharon Smith, Infsurance presentation will speak and vendors Brandguard vents and Metal Wall/Fence Solutions in attendance to answer questions
March 22 – Clean up (dumpsters at Crest School and chipping (near South Lane Park plus onsite chipping and large appliance pickup.
March 29 – Breakfast at the Clubhouse
April Easter Egg Hunt – TBA