CFSC received a 2025 community grant from Sunrise Powerlink Fire Mitigation Group and is applying for other available grants. For questions contact
Crest residents will be able to::
- participate in 3 chipping and clean-up events (3/22, 6/20, 10/4
- apply for free reflective street address number signs
- apply for street signs for private and county non-maintained roads
CFSC to provide educational workshops and literature to Crest residents to ensure fire resilience in our high fire danger community
Crest residents will receive tips on how to better protect homes from wildfire danger, including information:
- Structural hardening – the use of fire-residtant building materials
- wildfire risk reductiopn- defensible space/vegetation management
- reduction of wildfire susceptibility.
2025 Sunrise Powerlink fire Mitigation Grants are available to Crest residents.
Go to – Grants are available to eligible parcels for up to $2,640 to help offset the cost to increase your home’s defensible space and structural hardening (ember resistant vents, door and window replacement, etc)
Crest Northeast Firewise was approved in 12/24. We will be expanding this program to more Crest residents, but we need your help. Please contact Diana Griffin, Regional Cooordinato at
The pilot is currently comprised of 31 Crest homes. Caliofrnia has enacted ‘Safer from Wildfires” regulations requiring insurance companies to recognize Firewise USA designated communities by providing discounts to property owners
Evacuation information for Crest 2024
Evacuation Information for Crest Residents: (Updated 9/24)
Crest residents must be aware and prepared in the event of a wildfire. The Crest Fire Safe Council and Crest Community Association works to keep the community informed and updated.
Information regarding the latest fire updates, can be found by checking out the following websites:
- Watch Duty App
- East County Magazine – Alerts
- Pulse Point
- Flight Radar 24
- Alert San
- SDG& E
- The Crest Sun Newsletter Facebook Page and Crest Community Facebook will also have current information.
It is important to plan ahead for the safety of your family and animals- and have a “to go” bag packed and ready with items that you can find on the Red Cross site by clicking on Many preparers have suggested that you dedicate a closet where you can keep together most of the items from the list at the Red Cross site.
Fire Evacuation information can be found by selecting the following links:
*Crest Evacuation routes.
*2024 Community Wildfire Protection Plan – A community wildfire protection plan (CWPP is a blueprint for preparedness for Crest.)
*Crest Evacuation and Plan – Fire Evacuation information for Crest.
*For information regarding free reflective address markers:
One Call Now Emergency Call System for Crest
If you are already signed up to receive calls in the event of an emergency you are all set, If you are new to Crest or have changes to your current numbers please select the button at the bottom of the page to join or update this free service to Crest residents.
In the event of an emergency, you will receive a call from Crest Fire Safe Council (CFSC), it will display 619-442-7378. This is our ID used by the company that sends out the call. This number is also the number of the Crest Community Clubhouse. Do not call this number regarding these calls as there will be no one at the clubhouse to take the call. . Please be sure you have set up the voice mail or answer machine on your phones so that if you are not available, our system can leave our important message. Also add this number to your contacts so the call will not go to spam.
We are a 501(c)3 and can accept donations which help us pay for our call system. All information is protected and not shared by anyone at the CFSC. If you want Crest email communication, please leave that as well. Donations can be mailed to:
113 North Park Drive
EL Cajon, CA 92021
About the Crest Fire Safe Council
The Crest Fire Safe Council was established in 2003 following the Cedar fire by Noelle Carranza, Debbie Milligan,-Fox, Kathleen Fiedor, and Kandhy Franklin. The purpose was to seek solutions to prevent another catastrophic event. The group has successfully implemented important steps in these areas which include:
- The implementation of a community-wide emergency call system and email notification system. Crest residents can sign up through this web site by selecting the Contact Us icon on the home page and submitting phone and email contact information.
- The Crest Fire Safe Council also strives to educate the community about preparing for emergencies, creating defensible space around their homes, evacuation routes, and emergency shelter locations.
Contact information for the Crest Fire Safe Council:
Kandhy Franklin (619)977-1566
Crest Fire Safe Council /