March 8 – New Fire Truck dedication event at Crest School from 10-12 am
March 10 – Subredional Planning meeting at the Crest clubhouse at 6:30
March 15 – Crest CVC Recycling at the Crest Clubhouse from 9-11 am – bring your California CRV (Bottole, Cans and plastic and donated to the Crest Community Assoication. Proceeds support Crest activities
March 20 – CCA meeting 6:00 at the Crest clubhouse – Sharon Smith, Infsurance presentation will speak and vendors Brandguard vents and Metal Wall/Fence Solutions in attendance to answer questions
March 22 – Clean up (dumpsters at Crest School and chipping (near South Lane Park plus onsite chipping and large appliance pickup.
March 29 – Breakfast at the Clubhouse