How do I ....
- 3Coming Soon….
1. Sign Up for the Crest Fire Safe Council (CFSC) Emergency One Call Now System to receive a call in the event of an emergency in Crest.
Select the Contact Us link below. You must live in the Crest area and may add up to three numbers. Please add your address to verify Crest residency. You will also be added to the CFSC email system to receive email updates (Constant Contact) unless you choose not to (you can opt out at any time)
Contact Us – Crest, California
2. How do I find the latest Meeting and activities in Crest?
3. How do I find information regarding the Subregional Planning Group
4. How do I stary informed of nearby fires and emergencies through phone apps, Facebook pages and email communication.
5. How do I sign up to become a CCA Member
6 How do I find the latest Fire Safe Council New regarding grants, workshops
7 How do I find the Crest FireWise Risk Assessment form.