An informative meeting regarding the new proposed Fire Station 18 was held at the Crest Planning meeting Monday, January 9, 2024. If my note taking is accurate this is what I learned.
The Crest station was built in 1948 and updated a couple times in the 1970s and beyond which were not necessarily permitted. While it is functional, it is not reliable, not particularly safe, nor a desirable layout. The new fire station will be two stories with two bays, two deep with a design that fits the community providing curb appeal. It will include a conference room and additional space for growth.
They will create a modular station and the staff will stay on the hill while the building takes place. There are currently three crews covering 24 hours a day.
They reiterated no benefit assessment taxes will be used for this building. It will be completed in phases over multiple budget cyles. Currently there is $810,000 budget from the facilities replacement budget and a $500,000 grant from Assemblywoman Waldron. They will keep the community informed via the San Miguel website (we will let you know when they have it in place – Attached is the timeline.