This form is for Credit Card transmissions. You will receive a receipt in your email. Email if you have questions. Thank you for donating. If you wish to print out and mail in your membership form, please click hereUsername *The username field is a mandatory field for the membership form. This field is required by the system and is used only once for this form.First NameLast NameStreet AddressApartment, suite, etcCityZIP / Postal CodePhoneEmail *Mid-Year Membership Levels (Jan-June 2025)Family Membership - $15.00Individual Membership -$12.00Senior Family Membership - $12.00Senior Individual Membership - $6.00Business Membership - $25.00Lifetime Membership $500.00Click Your Membership LevelPlease choose the membership level that applies to your household.$15$10$50$100If you do not wish to add a donation, please de-select any highlighted fields.Click on the amount below if you wish to make an additional donation. The amount will be added to your membership fee.TotalCredit / Debit Card *Join Now